Creating a generation of financially informed students
Money+ series
We run a series of Money+ workshops and presentations in financial intelligence designed to prepare Sixth formers for their financial life at university and beyond.
Understanding and managing our finances is a key financial skill. Unfortunately we are not given the tools to do so and we learn by trial and error. Nowadays the financial world is more complex and students are expected to deal with the complexities as soon as they head off to university. The cost of uninformed decisions is much greater than ever before.
We aim to give students the right financial foundations before they set off for university.
We primarily work with independent schools to set up Money+ workshops and presentations for sixth form students.
Workshops and presentations can be tailored to each schools requirements.
  • Money+foundation is aimed at Year 12. A stepping stone series to give students basic financial knowledge.
  • Money+university is aimed at Year 13. Builds on the foundation series to prepare students for university.
  • Money+studies is aimed at Year 13. Assumes no previous Money+ events have been attended.
Each element of the Money+ series can be delivered as a year group presentation or as a workshop to smaller groups.
Provides financial stepping stones towards becoming financially independent.
This series develops understanding of the following financial issues:
  • How to assess good debt from bad debt.
  • What interest means and how it actually works.
  • What credit history is and how it affects you.
  • Student loans from a financial planning perspective.
  • Overdrafts – how do they work and should I use one?
  • Credit card - how do they work and should I use one?
  • Payday loans – are they really as bad as people make out?
Prepares students for financial independence at university and beyond.
Money+uni builds on the Money+foundation series and includes:
  • Understanding attitudes to money and how to become ‘good with money’.
  • Guidance on sources of income for students, and how to survive financially.
  • Understanding of potential taxation issues.
  • Manging living expenses, including accommodation & food.
  • How to set up, plan and run a realistic budget.
A longer workshop that fully prepares students for financial independence at university.
Money+studies combines Money+foundation and Money+uni and includes:
  • Understanding attitudes to money and how to become ‘good with money’.
  • How to assess good debt from bad debt.
  • What credit history is and how it affects you.
  • Understanding student loans from a financial planning perspective.
  • Understanding different types of borrowing and their implications
  • Guidance on how to survive financially on the money received.
  • Manging living expenses, including accommodation & food.
  • How to set up, plan and run a budget.
Seeing your children start university can be a worrying time for parents. You know they are well equipped for the academic challenges ahead, but how prepared are they for living away from home? Can they cook? Do they know how to do their washing? And more importantly, do they know how to manage their finances?
With credit cards being issued as part of the student bank account, students need to fully understand personal finance. Unfortunately we educate our students into debt, but never about debt and students are leaving with much more debt than just the student loan.
Going to university and leaving home is an exciting time but there are lots of new things to get to grips with; new friends, new place, new course. You are no doubt aware that money is going to be tight but have you planned for it? Do you want to control the amount of debt you leave with? How is it going to affect your situation after you leave university?
You are starting your financial life and so now is the time to gain the knowledge you need to deal with the financial challenges ahead.
We want to improve the financial education of sixth formers.

If you would like to book a presentation or a workshop, or you would just like to find out more about the services we can offer, please get in touch:
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+44 (0) 7802 642 084